Svratište za seksualne radnice

Zvaničan naziv projekta je „Svratište za seksualne radnice“ (Community-based services for sex workers in Novi Sad).

Ovaj projekat je podržala Delegacija Evropske unije kroz konkurs pod nazivom „Support to the social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups, including Roma, through more diversified community-based social services“.

Pojekat traje  2 godine.

Ovo je prjekat  Udruženja Prevent realizuje se u partnerstvu i sa drugim udruženjima i institucijama:

Novosadski Humanitarni Centar, Pokrajinski Zavod za socijalnu zaštitu, ROZKOŠ bez RIZIKA (udruženje iz Češke koje sprovodi slične projekte).

Cilj projekta je da se u Novom Sadu razviju socijalne usluge koje će podržani inkluziju, bolju socijalnu i zdravstvenu podršku seksualnim radnicama.

Ovaj cilj se realizuje kroz rad svratišta za seksualne radnice i standardizaciju uluge.

Projektom je omogućen niz usluga za seksualne radnice: psihološko savetovanje i podrška, pomoć socijalnog radnika, pravna pomoć, dobrovoljno poverljivo savetovanje i testiranje na HIV i hepatitis, podela kondoma, praćenje kod lekara, održavanje lične higijene, psihološke i kreativne radionice, zdravstvena zaštita, terenski rad, grupa samopodrške, učenje životnih veština i mnoge druge.

Dropin for sex workers

Official name of the project is “Community-based services for sex workers” in Novi Sad.

This project is supported by The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia through contest Support to the social inclusion of the most vulnerable groups, including Roma, through more diversified community-based social services. The project duration is two years.

This project by Association Prevent is implemented in partnership with other associations and institutions: Novi Sad Humanitarian Center, Institute of Social Welfare, Pleasure without risk, ROZKOŠ bez RIZIKA, (association from Czech Republic that is implementing similar projects).

Aim of the project is to develop social services in Novi Sad that will support inclusion, better social and health support to sex workers.

This aim is implemented through drop-in center and licensing of services.

The project enabled a lot of services for sex workers: psychological counseling and support, a help from social worker, legal assistance, voluntary and confidential counseling and testing for HIV and hepatitis, distribution of condoms, accompaniment to a hospital, maintaining personal hygiene, psychological and creative workshops, public health care, field work, self-support group, learning life skills and many others.